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Maitreya's Enlightenment

Human nature is an essentially spiritual reality, from the perspective of culture and consciousness in particular - even though human beings are not always very clear about this fact - which is the basis of the myths of the divine creation of human beings, beyond the merely material.

With this, everything related to spirituality is always of great importance to humanity. For this reason, knowledge of the nature of the Buddhas' enlightenment represents something greater in the cultural scenario, because it allows us to recover much lost knowledge around the paths of spirituality, with emphasis on the central issue of enlightenment.

One of the great achievements of our times and a definitive sign of the renewal of the planet is that today we have the rare opportunity to learn directly from a Buddha about such capital subjects of culture, destined to become universal with all certainty given their general importance. The recovery of this information comes in the midst of a planetary historical process of cultural syntheses - as occurs in any divine manifestation.

The subject of enlightenment is much richer, more complex, deeper and more important than we usually imagine today. Humanity has long since lost the true references for spiritual enlightenment and has been confusing it with temporary insights that can be obtained through directed efforts and energy peaks.

Those who study the subject in more depth understand that there is a clear epistemological divergence around this issue. On the one hand, there is a certain trivialization of the subject where almost only the resulting ecstasy is spoken of, and on the other hand, there are the truly traditional contexts linked to religions through the path of suffering and resurrection, atonement and salvation.

Generally, the mystical universe deals only with the first as-pect. Hence, photos of famous yogis in ecstasy are shown as if such a thing were of greater importance to the whole and not to the person themselves and their immediate circle of sympathizers. If such minor experiences were in fact enlightenment, the energy of the world would be different, but in reality their effect is very limited. Many people today imagine that knowledge of “Being” already represents enlightenment. However, this is not perfect knowledge, being a partial opinion more typical of Kali Yuga and the Age of Pisces in particular. Being, which is an expression of wisdom, represents only one polarity of enlightenment, integrating the work of mysticism. The other part, related to Doing, demands technical knowledge and direct work with energies or with the occult. It is also necessary to exercise the will with the light and the technique with the mantra, representing Power and Science. With all this, true enlightenment also represents a radical transformation of energies (personal but with great collective impact) and demands careful prior preparation through other initiations. Jesus demonstrated in many ways that he had other initiations, through his transfiguration on Mount Tabor and through his great knowledge of spiritual healing acquired with the Essenes and the Therapists of Alexandria among whom he lived for years.

This greater enlightenment involves not only a great karmic atonement, but also a great impact on the spiritual atmosphere of all humanity. The mystique of true enlightenment is of great traditional richness, involving the symbolism of Shakty as a serpentine force of the sacred feminine capable of developing inner power, and also of natural or fantastic power animals as symbols of synthesis and transformation.

It is natural, however, that such elevated knowledge is lost over time. Even in Buddhism, which has always placed such great emphasis on the enlightenment of the Buddha, the issue has been diluted and the information has become fragmented. Those who know Buddhism know that the Buddha is given as his main characteristic his spiritual enlightenment, as a unique and exceptional achievement. At the same time, there is a wide rhetoric with an air of trivialization surrounding the subject.

Perhaps people should pay more attention to the recurrence of the symbol of the cross and its analogues throughout the different religions. In fact, true enlightenment tends to lead to Adeptship and superior clairvoyance - if the Arhat survives the on-going trials - something that is not commonly associated with the current idea of enlightenment. All this demonstrates how enlightenment seems to be a process that is almost unknown today in humanity, given its rarity and elevation; however, it is not difficult to gather information to reach an understanding of the subject. The Buddhist affirmation of the death of the Arhats represents an indication of the drama of the fourth initiation. Survival of the spiritual Cross is therefore the first great charac-teristic of true Masters.

Naturally, the symbol of the Tree of Enlightenment is directly linked to the theme, although unlike other religions, in Buddhism the theme is not explicitly seen as a place of torture either. The Bodhisattva tradition, however, hints in this direction, by emphasizing the renunciation and the unconditional service to the cause of humanity, leading to enlightenment through suffering or “from the height of one’s passion”. 

In the case of Maitreya, it is this second situation that we are talking about above all, although the first is not unknown to him either, due to his yogic efforts and many other more or less similar circumstances. This marks a new milestone in the affairs of the New Age, since for the first time an Initiate claims a greater enlightenment achieved in the universal context of mysticism and religion combined - that is, within the true "perennial" spirit of Tradition. It is therefore not surprising that his efforts have resulted in greater achievements. The subject of enlightenment represents something extremely serious and of inestimable importance for the entire planet and for humanity in particular, since it is the central focus of planetary dynamics. There is a phrase from classical culture about theology that is so good that Christian philosophers themselves made a point of using it. Let us therefore quote the text of the Greek poem by Epimenides from which it was taken: 

“(...) you [Zeus] are not dead: you live and remain forever, for in you we live and move and have our being.” (“Cretica”, between 600-700 B.C.).

Saint Paul mentions this last passage in support of Christian theology, given the greatness and depth of the text. However, it also applies directly to the Buddhas’ efforts at enlightenment.

When a human being truly becomes enlightened, he or she makes an invaluable contribution to the psychic and existential security of the planet. Since we know the spiritual scenario of humanity, or the history of its spiritual evolution, we can present the following situation: the planet currently has only ten thou-sand years of regular and continuous efforts at true enlighten-ment, against countless thousands of years of witchcraft. What’s more: it’s not just any kind of witchcraft, but really very power-ful witchcrafts that have been accumulating in this way, al-though they are now reduced to a few corners of the planet. Therefore, it will not be any lesser form of enlightenment that will overcome all this heavy energy that still exists on the planet, and that humanity unfortunately continues to feed with wars and the killing of animals.

The true followers of the Hierarchy, the Buddhas and the Living God, therefore, need to assume the responsibility of taking care of the energies of the planet, in the same way that we take care of the air we breathe - if we even take care of this after all.

The "testimony of the Earth"

It turns out that we are indeed talking about historical processes and not simple myths or prophecies. The time has come for this type of Manifestation, since the good racial calendars have marked the transition of times.

That is why it is so important to know the spiritual Teachings of Maitreya, with all their restoration and renewal of knowledge, so that true spirituality can take place, in a satisfactory and sufficient way in the eyes of the Universe. After all, if people really think that they will be able to enter heaven, paradise or a new era with their own beliefs... why haven't they entered yet, and - on the contrary - the world is still always moving towards opening wide the doors of hell?!

It turns out that we are indeed talking about historical proces-ses and not simple myths or prophecies. The time has come for this type of Manifestation, since the good racial calendars have signaled the transition of times. New Age prophecies transmitted by serious messengers have pointed to facts of this nature - although unfortunately in these matters one can never count on reliable information within traditional religions, since all of them have been distorted for one reason or another. The times are also very eloquent about the need for a renewal of spiritual energies. This should be enough for people with common sense to question the irrational data brought by religions. Thus, important planetary mysteries followed Maitreya's great efforts at enlightenment, since hardly any historian can truly understand the surprising Fall of the Berlin Wall that pacified the planet for an entire decade.

Those who were attentive to the facts of the subtle world know perfectly well that, towards the end of the 1980s, when the arms race was at a new peak, the planet was literally immersed in infernal energies. And suddenly, all this changed and the planet as a whole even woke up to the problem of the environment, resulting in the First World Conference of 1992. For it is no fable that the cross of the Avatars embraces the planet with love as one heart.

 The Internal Government of the world is a reality, although enlightenment involves a process of purification that must be completed by voluntary and conscious education based on the teachings of the Dharma, also including the diffusion of enlightenment by its followers to complement the power of the Avatar's efforts, in order to give continuity to the process, since Jesus, when he was incarnate, also declared: “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world” - certainly in the same occult sense.

The Masters also work through Synarchy, which is their formal collaboration with the world through their willingness to have their disciples in positions of power, so that things will go better and better and darkness will not return so easily. The world will only become a safe place again when all the great political leaders are disciples of Maitreya, or when his disciples become leaders of nations. For more than religious, the work of the avatars is essentially civilizing, and true initiation is also useful for this, capable of empowering people spiritually and socially.

The organization of the White Lodge represents a vital necessity for human evolution, under penalty of its self-extinction at each new stage, not allowing rest or discouragement. In this regard, it is essential that the superior experience of the Buddha be duly gathered as first-rate information, so that the great truths of spirituality can be duly known and practiced.

Spirituality is a Science as rigorous as any other, and those who love it must organize themselves so that things can run smoothly. Tradition states that Avatars come to restore the Dharma. There is indeed much to be reorganized, rescued and added in terms of spirituality at the end of a Kali Yuga and in the process of implementing a new race, so that things can really happen. There is no prophecy that does not have its active agent. Thus, as he is a Solar Buddha, of the opening of races and the implementation of a Golden Age, Maitreya shows himself in more active postures and with more positive attitudes, smiling and proud. It is necessary to understand that the work of the Great Masters is above all didactic and has no intention of tutoring humanity. Their activity is instruction in different forms, whether by example, formal education, technical training, through the arts, etc. And this also applies to spirituality, where there is no intention whatsoever to replace humanity.

It is true that the Hierarchies regularly sacrifice themselves for humanity, paying off their karma with great sacrifice, in the same way that parents sacrifice themselves for their children. The thing is that if this were not the case, humanity would have no chance of surviving, as it would be swallowed up in its own hybris or entropy, for not knowing how to control the energies it handles or that exist in the world. This serves to suggest how much humanity is still in its infancy.

All that humanity can do then is to be grateful to God and assimilate the enlightened guidance of his Messengers, knowing that in spirituality too the best response will always be to seek out the best specialists.


1. Even though wars have increased in the following decades, the effects on the human subconscious remain positive. Furthermore, this increase is due to the natural accommodation of things and the absence of a renewal of enlightenment that should occur in each generation, in addition to cultural efforts to reform humanity based on the teachings of the Buddha. The Cold War really did increase in the 1920s on the planet, so that for more than 30 years things were reasonably under control.

To learn more

2025 and the Prophecies (in English)

The Legend of the Kalki Avatar (in English)

See also

Whart are the Masters (in English)

About the Author

Luís A. W. Salvi (LAWS) has been studying the Ancient Mysteries for over 50 years. A specialist in the Philosophies of Time and Practical Esotericism, he also develops works in the areas of Perennialism, Deep Psychology, Esoteric Anthropology, Holistic Sociology and others. He has already published dozens of works through Agartha Publisher, in addition to maintaining the Agartha wTV Channel.

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