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“When the teachings of the Vedas have been forgotten, and the end of the age of Kali Yuga is very near, a portion of the divine being that exists under the aspect of Brahma, who encompasses all things, will descend to Earth (...) and will present himself in the form of Kalki, endowed with the eight supernatural faculties.” (Vishnu Purana)
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I. Decision
Kalki was in Vishnu’s paradise called Vaikuntha, when his time came to descend to Earth to close Kali Yuga and indeed the entire Kalpa, since he was the last avatar of this cosmic cycle. The world must be prepared to enter a new Pralaya or Night of Brahma from now on. For this reason Kalki is called “Destroyer of Time” and “Harbinger of Eternity”.(1)
The future Envoy was then warned by Vishnu that his trials would be great. He would have to endure great atonement and undergo severe training in order to fulfill all his missions, because at that time humanity had already accumulated a lot of karma throughout the Manvantara.
Therefore, there would be a lot of work to do in a short time, and for this, his time would have to be taken advantage of and even intensified to the maximum, through a wide range of experiences with very contrasting energies. His life would definitely not be one of peace and tranquility.
He also knew that despite the great knowledge and experiences he had already accumulated in the past, he would now have to bathe in the waters of oblivion, which is the destiny of all those who descend into incarnation.
However, the greatest of Vishnu's warriors was not intimidated and decided that his time had come. Despite everything, he was eager to descend to Earth, because this was not his first incarnation as God and he was now prepared for even greater challenges.
And to confirm his determination, he asked Vishnu to take away from him from the beginning the protection that children in general and especially his Messengers usually receive when they descend to Earth.
Meanwhile, in the underworld, the goddess Kali - mistress of time itself, Kala - was revolted because the Avatar was threatening to destroy her reign of darkness and oppression. She therefore decided to do everything in her power to prevent the success of Kalki's Mission.
II. Descent
The young queen Sumati of the Chandra Dynasty, the Moon, was waiting with her beloved king Vishnuyasas of the Surya Dynasty, the Sun, for the future Kalki, to be the long-awaited prince of the glorious kingdom of Shambhala,(2) famous for its lineages of wise and just kings.
The kingdom had been preparing for this event for a long time, seeking to be prosperous and peaceful, so that the first-born who was arriving would find the best conditions.
The court astrologers followed this pregnancy very closely, and predicted a grand destiny for the noble heir, noting that his horoscope would also bring together the great signs of the priesthood and royalty, something that is usually associated above all with divine Beings.
They also observed in amazement that, as the day of his birth approached, all the gods were gathering in the sky with their respective pairs, as if a great procession were being organized, to announce the end of the cosmic conflicts - and nothing could be better to mark the dharma of the last Avatar...(3)
These would be the first signs that Kalki would present of his glorious destiny, even before his birth. Everything seemed very good and even better than expected, until the unthinkable happened...
Behold, while the queen was resting, the goddess Kali, representing the karma of the world, appeared from the shadows to remove him directly from his mother's womb with steel claws, taking him to her own kingdom and taking him for herself in order to educate and torment the child.
Leaving behind her the young princess desolate along with her nurses, without hope of being able to find her offspring lost in the hands of the powerful goddess Kali.
And there was nothing else she could do but accept her sad fate, just like that of her defenseless baby, now delivered into the hands of a dark queen with unknown intentions...
Kali had committed many evil deeds against the little one, seeking to undermine his morale since he was a child so that he would fail in his Mission. And so, as early as possible, the young Kalki began his life of trials, aiming to prepare his spirit to be capable of fulfilling his arduous Missions.
And so, every time the young boy wanted to fall asleep, the wicked goddess would stab him with irons so that he would remain awake. Only at dawn was the infant allowed to rest for a few hours.
He was also despised by his demon brothers because he was always sleepy and could not do many things well. However, if Kalki's studies did not yield results during the day, he would take advantage of his long sleepless nights to study everything he wanted.
And so he continued to educate himself and learn about the world, coming to know much more than any other young man of his generation.
In addition, he had a great love for life, felt at home in Nature, and even received a horse called Vimana from some neighbors who liked him,(4) as they saw in him a gentle and good-natured young man.
Considered a manifestation of Garuda, Kalki's beautiful white horse is also known as Davadatta, “Gift of God”, because it was given to Kalki by Shiva. However, given his skill and abilities, the neighbors who donated the animal, who were devotees of Shiva, also called him “Vimana”, the name given in India to a type of mystical spaceship from the Hindu classics.
And so Kalki would be tested from his birth until adulthood, when he would finally be able to take his destiny into his own hands. However, without knowing it, through this innocent torment he would be paying off a good part of humanity's past karma.(5)
III. Preparation
At this point, Shiva appeared to rescue him, showing him the paths of yoga, where Kalki could finally rest amidst the proposed austerities, but not before also introducing him to Soma to alleviate the intense suffering accumulated by his soul.
Considering his life of torment and turbulence until then, this was in fact a new universe of peace, order and promises of evolution, to which Kalki would surrender himself passionately and with all his strength...
And so the young aspirant would spend several years in intense training for self-perfection through the most diverse yogas to strengthen his spirit, amid retreats in ashrams and caves located in different regions, training his will and growing in wisdom.
He sought to respectfully gather every seed of wisdom and spiritual science from the old masters, in the hope of finding clues about everything he was intimately searching for.
However, he soon realized that the knowledge granted by the spiritual schools existing in the world at the time was not enough for him, and he began to experiment a lot on his own. With this, he sometimes had to retreat, and other times he would discover that he was making progress.
Kalki knew and intuited that much dharma and knowledge had been lost in the world at this point in time, since it is the work of Kali Yuga to practically extinguish Dharma from the face of the earth,
but it is also the task of the Avatar to try to renew it, at any cost and without measuring efforts, using all the necessary resources for this, if necessary even returning to the very origins of spirituality to retrace all his steps through the eons...
So there was not much else to do but dare and experiment on his own, with due caution and attentive to all the signs that the spiritual world could grant, especially through dreams.
Even so, he sought to respectfully gather each seed of wisdom and spiritual science from the old masters, in the hope of finding clues about everything he was searching for in his heart. Nevertheless, he demonstrated a special capacity to intuit the most advanced yogas. For him, there were no limits to his search for knowledge, and he soon received instruction directly from the Dakinis and the great Mahasidhas...
And these would be just the first achievements of Kalki as the great Terton he would become, as the discoverers of hidden treasures are known in the lands of Tibet. A great rescue of lost knowledge would then begin, to offer humanity the possibility of advancing once more.
And this would also be the Golden Age of Kalki's own existence, a stage of intense searches and spiritual experiments, but also filled with sublime internal achievements.
IV. Battles
When his spirit began to blossom to perfection, Vishnu appeared to him to offer him his eight sacred weapons - which are also weapons of enlightenment and salvation - so that Kalki could fight all the battles he was destined to fight for the end of Kali Yuga and the renewal of Dharma.
With them, Kalki must be able to overcome obstacles and overcome trials, such as facing demons like Susna, the oldest and most fearsome sorcerer on Earth, who turned against the Avatar to try to prevent his saving Mission, inflicting great suffering on him through deadly spells.
Susna felt safe in his secret sanctuary beyond the Himalayas. However, thanks to his clairvoyance, Kalki discovered the place by flying there with a Vimana and suddenly invaded the temple, mortally frightening the demon so that he would stop doing evil on Earth and against him. Thanks to this, the great conflicts between nations ended.
After this, Kalki also gathers new allies (whose names will be remembered for countless generations) to face several hosts of demons that were oppressing the population.
To be able to face so many hosts of Evil, Kalki can also count on the help of Parashurama as her trainer. Parashurama was a famous Chiranjivi (“immortal”) who also collaborated in the great battles of Rama in the Ramayana and Krishna in the Mahabharata. The arrival of solar Avatars like Krishna and Kalki ends the dark Kali Yuga and opens the Krita Yuga or Golden Age, also called Satya Yuga or Age of Truth.
And so many years will pass in which Kalki will face the demons that tormented the Earth, while seeking to heal her own wounds acquired in these battles.
And so many years will pass in which Kalki will face the demons that tormented the Earth, while seeking to heal her own wounds acquired in these battles.
Like every true warrior of light, Kalki knew that no great spiritual journey could happen without a deep natural and supernatural knowledge of the healing arts, allowing one life to then unfold into many existences. In this way, he could always count on the help of natural, supernatural and intermediary beings, to receive benefits and learn a lot about this special knowledge.
In this learning about the energies of the world, Kalki also got to know what can be called the “Sacred Feminine” (as gathered in the Tridevi of the Hindus), in its highest degree and in all dimensions, deeply laying the foundations of the Golden Age in his consciousness as an Initiate of the Mysteries.
V. Enlightenment
Realizing that the spiritual world was now more peaceful, Kalki appeals to Brahma to reorganize the earthly world for the greater good, and so that the Golden Age can finally begin again on the planet. However, Brahma insinuates that this is not possible because humanity is still generating a lot of karma...
Kalki, however, is determined in his purpose. He argues that despite his advanced years, he is still willing to renew his first vows of renunciation and sacrifice so that humanity can rediscover its days of peace and happiness. And so he abandons the palaces he had conquered during his battles and begins to perform long penances and mortifications so that Brahma will grant his requests.
Impressed and moved by Kalki's actions, Brahma took pity on the resolute Avatar's sacrifices and granted him the keys to Supreme Knowledge, so that people's minds could be enlightened and acquire the brilliance of crystal, thus inaugurating the era of true knowledge and opening the doors to the Golden Age.
Much enlightenment and understanding could be achieved in this way. The mysteries of spirituality were solved and the enigmas of existence resolved. Beautiful paths could be seen where before there had been only doubt and confusion.
In fact, there were many ways in which Vishnu's Envoy sought to end the dark cycle of Kali. The Avatar once again taught the most powerful Yogas that had been forgotten by humanity, so that each person could definitively raise their energies, generating protection against bad astral influences, in the same way that a healthy organism repels viruses existing in the environment.
It is the promise of spiritual armor that empowers human beings, freeing them from the need for a contemplative life, as is typical of the positive Eras of the world where human beings are truly free and spiritually emancipated.
Another task of the Avatar was to demystify the false Kingdom of Kali in people's consciousnesses, through a perfect organization of the Cosmic Clock,
because the existing ignorance about the cycles of humanity led many to imagine a continuous reign for Kali since the time of Krishna - and that it should still continue from now on - by confusing cycles of different magnitudes and believing in merely symbolic numbers - all very typical of the darkness and ignorance that the Iron Age represented for the world.(6)
Finally, Kalki instructed people to leave the big polluted cities because they could not live there as dignified human beings with real decision-making power. He explained that this type of life also fueled the world's wars, in addition to producing environmental imbalance.
Naturally, there was a lot of resistance from the directors of the system, but even so, many people heard the Avatar's call and decided to abandon that system of death-in-life to which they were subjected.
Then Kalki instructed them to create communities in Nature and organize new cities of peace and collaboration to bring together all those who had a good heart, with divine Wisdom as the North in all their decisions. And so humanity could finally see the Golden Age reborn on the planet.
1. The elucidation of the true mysteries of Pralaya therefore represents one of Kalki's tasks, in connection with one of his specialties, which is Astrology or Cosmology.
2. The term “Shambhala” indicates a traditional reference to sacred geography related to certain central regions of the planet where Avatars usually incarnate.
3. Kalki's horoscope thus announced all the cosmic harmonies of the end of time, around the avataric signs of the present time in the form of the Great Luminaries - see also the Dharma of Cosmic Harmonies of Maitreya Buddha, which is the Buddhist version of Kalki. It was therefore an Incarnation that - potentially speaking - would already be born with all the portals of initiation ready to be crossed, if it so desired...
4. Considered a manifestation of Garuda, Kalki's horse is called in the Kalki Purana by the name Davadatta, “Gift of God”, because it was given to Kalki by Shiva. However, given its dexterity and abilities, the neighbors who donated the animal, who were devotees of Shiva, also called it “Vimana”, the name given in India to a type of mystical spaceship from the Hindu classics.
5. “Everything that lives is affected by the karma of previous lives. God suffered terrible penalties so that we could all be free from karma, for nothing is beyond the reach of this Buddhist principle of salvation.” (“Sutra of Jesus Christ”, Dunhuang Manuscripts) The pure and the enlightened have a special capacity to make atonement for humanity, since they do not have their own karma and live in a special time-energy, thus enhancing the reach of their priesthood.
6. The calendrical errors that many great religions sustain are serious, due to the loss of knowledge and religious fanaticism itself, keeping people in an unreal temporality and disconnected from factual events - and of course, what is most important, fostering a passive and powerless spirituality in the face of the demands of a time of transition, thus inducing alienation in the face of the destruction of the world and the impotence to react to the decadence of civilization. See here about the problem of Kali Yuga.
Note: This story brings together information from the Hindu classics Vishnu Purana and Kalki Purana (related to Kalachakratantra), together with real facts about the incarnation of the Kalki Avatar that already occurred in the West, in a mythological style and in a summary manner, with some original elements. The three major themes highlighted in these accounts are Spirituality (Yoga), Astrology (Kalavidya) and Sociology (Samajsastra), also reflecting three central dimensions of Kalki's Mission.
To learn more
2025 and the Prophecies (in English)
Maitreya's Enlightenment (in English)
See also
Whart are the Masters (in English)
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