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The existence of the Initiate is completely superior to that of the layman in spiritual terms, and this is also reflected in his conjugal life. What greater mysteries do the sacred hierogamies, the pairs of Buddhas, gods and avatars of all times conceal? The subject is certainly rich and is expressed on many levels. Here we will deal with all of them and especially with the most direct and impactful one in the lives of the great divine Envoys, which is the experience of sublime perfect Love.
This is yet another great revelation that the manifestation of the last Avatar brings to humanity, through the story of Kalki and his great love Padma, announcing the opening of new paths of spiritual achievement and providing answers to some of the greatest enigmas that have plagued human culture for a long, long time.
1. Preparations
From a very young age, the future avatar Kalki was a romantic spirit who fell in love easily. Nevertheless, he was shy and reserved, remaining chaste for a long time, while the interest in the mystical experience grew more and more in his soul.
As he approached adulthood, when women began to approach him with explicit intentions, his natural idealism made him dream of more modest girls raised in the interior of the lands. His first experiences with the opposite sex would only confirm his fears. However, as is common in wealthy families and royal houses, the parents of the young Kalki born in Shambhala also had their own plans for him, which did not help Kalki's real inner purposes of a simple and elevated life, which were slowly maturing in his soul without him even realizing it.
Nevertheless, then the true awakening of his spiritual vocation occurred, interrupting his youthful dreams, perhaps even in a providential way. Now Kalki wanted to take his spirituality seriously, and to this end he decided to begin a long experience of retreats. And so he will spend years in ashrams dedicating himself exclusively to the cultivation of Yogas and studies, as is in fact the correct and natural order of things in Hinduism, whose first stage of life is called Brahmacharya, that which is consecrated to God through chastity and study.
During this journey, Kalki had the opportunity to let his soul blossom in many ways, both through disciplines and spiritual service, as well as through his fellow seekers, through the cultivation of the arts and also through his own intimate contact with Nature.
At a certain point, however, Kalki felt that all of this was indeed very noble and wonderful, but that it was enough for him: he had other commitments to attend to in his life. The desire to have a companion then grew within him again. His heart was ready to assume the status of Grihasta, the second stage of life in Hindu society, when the initiate establishes a home as a domestic priest. At this time, his natal family invited him to return to their midst, and Kalki decided to accept the invitation.
He then met some young women close to his old family circle, discovering that he had indeed become a real man. Not satisfied, however, he continued to foster his inner life, investigating mystical places and visiting his old masters. And it was precisely on one of these occasions, when his most revered master was present at an ashram where Kalki had lived, that he met the one who would be his great love. Her name was Padma, also known as Padmavati, which means “she who is like the Lotus”.
2. The Meeting
Kalki and Padma were initially very captivated by the presence of the master and were busy with the tasks of the local group. However, when they met, everything suddenly changed as if by magic. Cupid's arrow struck them both powerfully, and signs began to appear. In a very symbolic way, it happened that in a game of Secret Santa with dozens of participants, Kalki and Padma accidentally picked up each other's names, which is a very rare occurrence...
From then on, they moved away from the group to talk to each other alone. They discovered that they had many things in common, including personal tastes and dreams, including the great similarity of their personal horoscopes. And so they anticipated their departure from the place to go away together. They somehow felt that they already had in each other everything they really needed from now on. All they had to do was water that small seed of love that had awakened between them, born under the blessings of the beloved master.
Who was this mysterious, charming and lovely young lady named Padma? Considered to be an incarnation of Lakshmi, wife of the great Lord Vishnu and the manifestation of wealth, beauty and grace, Padmavati is also often seen as a reincarnation of Sita and Radha, who were wives of Rama and Krishna. She was a small creature, which is why people often affectionately called her Laghupdma, “Little Lotus”. At the same time, she was very magnetic and captivating; She knew how to smile with her eyes and her speech was melodious, which is why Kalki also called her Lilavati, which was Radha's name when she smiled, meaning "funny, charming, graceful". Finally, she also knew how to be smart, astute and efficient in everything she dedicated herself to.
Kalki and Padma soon got to know each other intimately. As a long-proven Initiate, and given his previous experiences, Kalki felt quite confident as a man. However, with Padmavati he found a challenging situation, a mix of happy and frustrating situations. Everything seemed perfect between them, but something didn't seem to be right in Padma's personal rhythms.
To his surprise, he discovered that he loved someone with whom he had certain intimate difficulties. He was confused by this and began to look inwards and frequent mystical places in search of peace, wanting only to understand what could be happening to them after all...
Kalki still didn't know what to do, but he was persistent and determined to solve the problem. So he began to pray fervently to Shiva, who was the god with whom he had been most intimate until then. In response, Mahadeva (who is another name for Shiva) tried to point out that Padma was a good girl from the interior, just like Kalki was looking for, who had even been practicing disciplines and receiving some spiritual training, but everything was still somewhat incipient.
Shiva observed that Padma's karma could still harbor some atavistic obstacles, and she had never had any great experience in the ashram to better purify her soul. In the last resort, he concluded, hiding a smile, Kalki would have a few last tricks up her sleeve, as he knew very well the resources to open very stuck doors of the Soul.
Kalki listened to all this attentively. Shiva's words were wise. In his years in the ashram, Kalki had been able to observe the transformative power of disciplines, not only in himself but also in people with real spiritual problems. Obsessors can be powerful, but discipline really bores them, since what they really want is fun, and so he ends up expelling them one by one.
Kalki had been curiously investigating the mysteries of witchcraft since his adolescence, so he was well aware of its effects on people. What he did not know was how much more he would soon be forced to learn in a very objective way as a result of his simple efforts to achieve a deeper and more satisfying love with his beloved Padma…
Unfortunately, many women are born with or acquire negative spiritual marks, and it is quite difficult for them to remove them on their own because they do not have a good system of disciplines specially designed for them. Many end up being associated with witches or worse. Even in ashrams open to women, Kalki rarely saw any girls there; even men were few and far between, and Kalki regretted all this.
So he was worried about the idea of having to wait years for Padmavati's soul to be ready for love. On the other hand, he was there with all his spiritual experience. He decided to propose to Padma that they start to visit the ashram more often and do spiritual practices together, to gradually refine their souls and tune them into each other. In order for the practices to reach their full potential, it would also be important to reduce intimacy during that period. Little by little, Padma understood the situation and they reached the necessary agreements. And with this, Kalki would also be fulfilling his duties as a Grihastha or domestic priest from the highest levels of spirituality.
Kalki then thanked the old Shiva for his precious advice, whose wisdom is incomparable. Mahadeva therefore knew perfectly well what he was saying, not by chance. Shiva is also known as Mahavaidya, the Supreme Doctor. However, he answered her solemnly with these words:
“- You don’t need to thank me, young Kalki. Just know that, in the same way that Masters take on part of their disciples’ karma when they decide to learn – and that is why they become Masters – great lovers can also do the same when they undermine the stony walls of karma in the search for love.”
Kalki listened again attentively to these enigmatic words, but like any man in love, he preferred to just go ahead with his plans, confident in his own good intentions. In fact, he even saw encouragement in those profound words of Shiva, without imagining all their possible implications. True love sometimes brings some karmic challenges, and can play tricks and even seem disconcerting...
3. Heaven
And so their yoga evolved step by step, and Kalki also had the opportunity to continue advancing in her own practices. She also noticed the advances in Padma’s consciousness, the increase in her ability to enter states of great peace and depth.
From time to time Kalki had the opportunity to gauge the progress of her intimacy with Padma. Finally she understood that all this could take a long time. And she decided to use some auxiliary resources that she knew, following the suggestions of Shiva, whose approval she knew she had for this, because Mahadeva himself had prescribed Soma to her in the past. Shiva is also called Somanātha, the “Lord of Soma”.
In Hindu mythology, in the primordial rite called Kshira Sagara (“coagulation of the primordial Ocean of Milk”), Lakshmi emerges bearing Amrita through the cosmic activity carried out by the forces of light and darkness together under the direction of Vishnu. Thus, everything indicated that Kalki was merely following a pre-established cosmic script to achieve a great revelation. The Amrita brought by Lakshmi would be the fruit of pure love and the light of enlightened consciousness - although at this point Kalki naturally did not imagine the complexities that all this could represent. Shiva, however, knew what he was doing and had prepared Kalki well for this challenging situation.
He would also be very careful with Padma, using only what was necessary for her to achieve a full experience of Presence in the here-and-now. He would then limit himself to administering medicine to Padma, as he did not feel the need to apply it to himself as well. His beloved was already advancing in the yogas and in her capacity to expand her consciousness. The objective was to give Padma the little push she needed to finish overcoming her remaining karmic obstacles in order to give her greater access to her Soul.
Kalki would even use these resources reluctantly and only because he could no longer see any alternatives; completely overcoming karma and dense consciousness always represents a very complex challenge, because every human being tends to accumulate a lot of karma due to their ignorance of the true Laws of Evolution. Kalki had long ago overcome the personal need to resort to external expedients, as he had become a great expert in the most advanced yogas - he had even decoded the original system of the Nine Yogas. Now, however, the situation was different. There was another soul beside him who needed help, and he was very familiar with all the paths of medicine. These were not ordinary people seeking vulgar experiences, but rather a couple of initiates pursuing true love. There was therefore sincerity, honesty and wisdom in their attitudes.
The young couple then arranged a new meeting and the atmosphere was created for it, a mix of ritual and... marriage perhaps?! Soma was prepared and administered properly, under the blessings of Shiva. Padma's experience was smooth and calm, Kalki guided her through the necessary steps and she soon found great peace and tranquility, feeling fully present and relaxed.
At that moment, they both naturally found themselves in a great state of peace. Neither desire nor anxiety moved them then. This was a good sign. Kalki already knew very well how much Soma could enhance sensations. Now his goals were even more noble, even without being completely clear about it. However, he was not at all prepared for everything he would experience, in terms of happiness and suffering, in this single encounter of true love revealed...
When Padma was completely relaxed, awake and free from anxiety, Kalki felt that it was time to seek an approach. So Kalki gently took Padmavati's arm to kiss it - just her arm. But the sensation that this gave them both was simply astonishing, because it was exactly like a complete and finished ecstasy, although without the external contribution of ejaculation. Kalki then tried to kiss her mouth as well, with equally sublime and transcendental results, but without forcing any excitement. He thus discovered that, in a mysterious way, there was no need to "make love" with Padma, because it was as if the love was already ready and finished between them...
This surprising revelation was totally revolutionary in its implications. He had never imagined that such perfection could exist, and he had never even heard of anything like it. Yes, he had heard of the possibility of separating ecstasy and ejaculation, and he had even had some tantric experiences in this direction; but everything he was experiencing now, without the need for control or any effort, but simply sailing full steam ahead in the flow of the Universe, was something completely different and exceptional.
It was not desire that was being stimulated in this way, but rather the pure heart, or consciousness, or love itself. In fact, it was Padmavati, very shrewd and intelligent as she was, who first expressed their feelings about what was happening, when she said: “Just see how we are both feeling one thing…” It was an attempt to express the perfect communion of consciousness, perception and Being that they were experiencing in those moments of superior intimacy. In fact, the mystery of the Single Soul that Plato spoke of, which exists in relation to soulmates, was fully embodied there, when both were ecstatic and saw their unique Being finally blossom in its fullness...
It was paradise itself that was thus reopening its doors for them, the redemption of original sin and the recovery of the Tree of Life, finally giving meaning to all the greatest mysteries of love and sexuality... That sublime experience, which was also a great achievement, came as an unexpected prize in the life of this great romantic and seeker of earthly paradise that was Kalki.
4. Hell
However, destiny, thus constrained, would also exact its price, and it would not be small. Lo and behold, right after Padma made her simple observation, the situation was reversed once again, and the gains obtained through the revelations obtained were then turned into serious and irreplaceable losses…
The use of the ancient resources of magic and witchcraft has the power to open the doors of heaven and hell by moving ancestral barriers of human karma. Few are able to successfully enter these abysses - and let's not even talk about this case with impunity.
And so, in the same way that a heavenly door had opened before, now another hellish door was thrown open to swallow the innocent couple. Once again, nothing was understood, only that a void the size of the world was swallowing the couple, also in the same feeling, but now of anguish and oppression. What was happening after all?! Had the couple activated some curse? Broken some ancestral taboo? Could they be like sorcerer's apprentices playing with powerful unknown forces?! How can we understand such a sudden invasion of fears and uncertainties that are also unknown?
Confused and astonished by all that, Kalki walked away, disappearing into the darkness of the night, unaware of what awaited him from there. On his way back home, he began to find immense spells scattered everywhere he went. The neighborhood itself can testify that the sorcerers would even go as far as the garden of Kalki's house to place their spells there. And all of this hit his Soul hard, despite having already achieved many powerful initiations.
The next day, after a sleepless night fighting demons, Kalki looked for Padma, but she had already surrendered herself into the arms of the first man she found, so to speak. This was how his fear and despair had tried to seal a rupture, as he no longer wanted to see Kalki again, whom he began to accuse of being harmful to him. Nevertheless, it was upon him that the persecutions of hell continued to fall. Behold, all of his illnesses worsened and the ones that were latent appeared once and for all. Kalki found himself in a short time mortally prostrated, ending up completely ill and desperate on an agonizing bed.
Had this been a common situation, the victim would have promptly succumbed, as is the rule for all those who undergo the Arhat initiation that Kalki now knew in this dramatic way. However, he was not just any initiate - quite the opposite; he had undergone rigorous yogic training for many years, and the sublime experiences he had recently had redoubled his motivation. Fear was a situation that Kalki had known little about throughout his life, but now he was determined to face even the greatest demons to save his life and try to free his beloved. Perhaps much more if necessary. Kalki was an incomparable warrior who had rescued the greatest lost secrets of love in favor of the redemption of humanity. Such experiments also represent an anticipation and a seeding of the realities that humanity will experience in a normal and ordinary way in a long time. Since the current fourth round, this experience has become increasingly known, although still restricted to a few initiates. Until the fourth cosmic year arrives in almost thirty thousand years, when it finally becomes one of the great natural bases of universal culture.
Kalki paid the necessary price to know the deepest arcana of love, because she had enough merits, wisdom and determination to do so, from an entire existence passionately dedicated to the knowledge of Truth.
Her ability to survive the consequences of her divine boldness only corroborated her intrinsic divine spiritual power. Eternity was now her testing ground, for she had had a great experience that transcends time. Thus she became like a new Rama facing the greatest demons and a new Orpheus descending into hell in search of his lost beloved.
5. Enlightenment
Kalki then begins a solitary struggle against the dark forces that mercilessly haunt him, which will reach its peak when he flies to the gompa (temple) of the main sorcerer who commands this entire persecution, thus repaying the siege that he had ordered his henchmen to carry out near his home.
From then on, it will be only efforts to survive, but effective ones culminating in the achievement of his enlightenment, in order to gain access to very powerful energies, capable not only of driving away once and for all the evil spirits that were persecuting him, but also of initiating his own cures. To survive all this, Kalki needed to become completely enlightened, as he had prepared himself for this supreme achievement during his years of strict dedication to Yoga. Kalki was 29 years old at the time, which is the cycle of Saturn, and this great achievement of his had occurred within the traditional time frame of the enlightenment of the Avatars.
Other spiritual consolations continued to occur after this, such as the achievement of Adeptship when Kalki definitively awakened his inner vision, gaining access to the traditional knowledge of the great Hierarchies. For a great lover of knowledge as he was, this represented a true triumph.
Kalki and Padmavati would only be together for two years on this occasion. After this, he remained alone for many years, only worshipping the memory of his beloved and the memory of that sublime love that had once blossomed between them like an illuminated lotus. The wisest and most beautiful women wanted to get close to Kalki at that time, since he held great wisdom and spiritual authority, but since he now knew the meaning of a unique and perfect love, he felt it was their duty to follow only him, consecrated to him.
Nevertheless, his pains and sufferings were still very great, since his enlightenment served little more than to help him survive and to produce the necessary higher knowledge. Then Brahma decided to send him an incarnation of his own wife Saraswati to serve him as companion, with sweetness and dedication. She was a virgin of thirty years old - an age that had become symbolic in Kalki's life - a true vestal consecrated to God called Maya. Her great purity and idealism managed to captivate Kalki, who thus finally accepted someone back into her life. This Dakini brought the energy of abundance and comfort in that difficult moment of Kalki's life, just as the magician Isis had done in the life of the dying Osiris.
Together they learned and learned many new things. However, after a few years, Kalki returned to dedicate herself exclusively to spiritual work, seeking to consolidate her knowledge in the world. A few years passed, and she was once again attacked by pain and loneliness, also as a result of her renunciation of Nirvana, and now it was Shiva who sent her a yogini to keep her company, an incarnation of his wife Parvati. Some have also linked her to Ramaa, who is Kalki's other wife, also associated with Lakshmi as an expression of wealth and beauty. With this, she was able to provide Kalki with all the comfort and consolation that her renunciant body and soul, suffering from so many battles, could possibly need.
In the biographies of avatars, there always appear Initiates who have relationships with the stages of evolution or consciousness of the Master himself, such as the Buddhist Taras or the Hindu Devis. For this reason, Krishna is attributed three wives, and Kalki two. However, these statements may not be literal; It could be hasty to see such references as an expression of bigamy, since they are rather sequential relationships and always of transcendental importance in some way. It is necessary to contextualize such situations within the lifelong monogamous Tradition, where the successive relationships of the avatars acquire, in contrast, a special legitimacy, since each stage of their existence is very much like a new life.
The presence of the Sacred Feminine in avatar biographies often plays a decisive and prominent role, especially in relation to transcendental true Love. It is enough to recall the lives of Osiris, Orpheus and King Arthur. In the Ramayana, Rama's wife, Sita, who had been captured by the wicked Ravana, conditioned her release on Rama completely destroying the empire of Evil that the Devil had built. Something along these lines can be found in the story of Helen of Troy. However, the feminine also plays a prominent role in the lives of Krishna and Jesus. Tibetan Buddhism is generous in its representation of the presence of Taras and Dakinis in the lives of yogis, and the Devis of Hinduism are no less important.
6. Vaikuntha
Despite many predictions, Kalki and Padma would meet again at a much older age. Many important things had been left in the way, and Kalki had always dreamed of this day, no matter how long it might take...
Thus, after separating, Kalki and Padma were thirty years apart, only to meet again under the influence of Shani (Saturn). Now Padma had matured emotionally and was truly a woman. It was very positive for both of them to experience this new reality, because in a way it was as if they were meeting each other for the first time. In some way, Kalki's sufferings also helped to alleviate her karma, as they do for all of humanity.
The first meeting between Kalki and Padmavati was like a great comet that shone in the sky of their lives, transforming them forever. However, much pain remained from that traumatic separation and its consequences. So their reunion served above all to pacify their souls and heal some wounds. At that point, it mattered little to them to return to the past. Kalki had grown accustomed to cultivating a “platonic love” for Padma. It was a way he had found to feel a little more complete.
After all, it was like saying like Jesus: “Father, let Your Will be done, not mine.” Kalki opened all the paths for the liberation of humanity and lived only for and by her Mission. Kalki had understood that each second of deep love with Padma would be like an experience accumulated over eons, and for the same reason the sacrifice of this sublime experience also served as an atonement in favor of the redemption of the world for many eons… Therefore, there could be no more complete renunciation of Nirvana than this. If such was the will of the gods, he was willing to make all these incomparable sacrifices for the salvation of humanity. Was it written in the stars that things should happen this way?
After his enlightenment, Kalki developed much sublime knowledge, including a perfect Science of Soulmates, rich in information about Esoteric Psychology, to be passed on to future generations so that Vishnu's paradise could one day be embodied on the face of the Earth. This is important because the new race that Kalki comes to open can also be considered quaternary, giving room for many to aspire to the fourth initiation or true liberating enlightenment. However, in this case, it is expected that the paths to enlightenment will be increasingly smooth and accessible to humanity. After all, and as they say in the spiritual worlds, the avatar always burns up to half of humanity's karma with his own efforts and sacrifices.
The great difference between lunar avatars such as Buddha and Jesus is that they seek to take humanity to paradise, while solar avatars such as Krishna and Kalki or Maitreya seek to bring paradise to humanity.
For in truth Kalki and Padma brought with them the great internal signs of the Vaikuntha paradise, bringing together the planets highlighted in the present planetary transition, since Vaikuntha is also the name of a special avatar of Vishnu, so that Kalki and Padmavati were also true Incarnations of divine Love.
Throughout her intense and well-spent life, Kalki learned many excellent forms of love, beyond the one that people know within their families. She also learned about love for Nature, love for God, love for Truth, love for the Master, love for disciples, love for humanity, love for the Soulmate and many others. All of these can be pure and excellent, giving greater meaning to human existence and opening paths to liberation from the illusions of matter.
The sacrament of Love represents one of the greatest mysteries of sacred institutions. Its mysteries rarely come to light more fully in the life of the layman, and yet its reality marks the history of religions with an indelible and incontestable mark. Indeed, the story of Kalki and Padmavati that is presented here evokes many stories of other avatars and perhaps also sheds light on the paths of many others whose stories were lost or corrupted for one reason or another.
Romances between Initiates rarely end with romantic words like “happily ever after.” The big difference is that ordinary people’s time is limited to this one existence, while those who know true love enjoy eternity in this and other lives.
No Master or Avatar really dreams of happiness in this world, because they descend to it to serve unconditionally and as renouncers of nirvana. On the other hand, Kalki and Padma knew perfectly well that, because they had performed their work with perfection and dignity, the most exalted places in the Paradise of the god Vishnu called Vaikuntha, from which they had one day come and to which they would return, were now reserved for them.
To learn more (in English)
The Legend of the Kalki Avatar
See also
Maitreya and the Serpentine Experience